Can’t function before you’ve had your morning coffee or tea?

//Can’t function before you’ve had your morning coffee or tea?

Can’t function before you’ve had your morning coffee or tea?

That’s because coffee contains caffeine, a substance that stimulates your mind and body, making you feel more alert and awake.

Sports people figured out years ago that caffeine helped their performance, especially in endurance events.

The Caffeine Gene

Too much caffeine can be bad for your health, but that limit varies between people. One of the reasons for this difference is the CYP1A2 gene. This gene creates an enzyme that’s responsible for 95% of all caffeine metabolization in the body.

Different people have different versions of this gene, which makes them fast or slow metabolizers of caffeine. Fast metabolizers can tolerate more caffeine. But if slow metabolizers have large amounts of caffeine, their heart attack risk increases over time.

DNAFit Tip – Discover your CYP1A2 genotype to see how much caffeine you can tolerate on a daily basis without damaging your health.

How much caffeine can your body handle?

Know for sure with a genetic test. If you’re a coffee/ tea drinker, it pays to know what your safe limits are.

Courtesy: DNA FIT

By | 2022-03-13T14:52:49+00:00 May 12th, 2018|Nutrigenomics|0 Comments

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